TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has asserted that the videos of alleged deficiencies in the city’s government schools shared by Home Minister Amit Shah are false and that these actions show the BJP leader’s “hatred” towards the people of the national capital.
Kejriwal said out of 1,024 government schools in Delhi, the BJP found only eight schools with some shortcomings and even those drawbacks turned out to be false. Kejriwal last week invited Shah to visit the city’s government schools with him and witness their “transformation” by his government. Eight BJP MPs visited the schools and on Tuesday shared videos of their findings.
“I am very happy that Amit Shah ji sent all his MPs and workers of his party to all schools to investigate the deficiencies in our schools. Amit Shah hates the people of Delhi. His hatred towards the children, parents and teachers of Delhi is visible,” he said. Kejriwal appealed to Shah “with folded hands” to not insult and hate the 16 lakh children of Delhi together with their 32 lakh parents and 65,000 teachers who he said have worked hard to change the education system of Delhi.