TIL Desk Tollywood/ British adventurer Bear Grylls on Wednesday shared an intriguing motion poster marking superstar Rajinikanth’s blockbuster TV debut in Discovery’s ‘Into the Wild’. Grylls also shared that it was a special experience for him to work with the Padma Vibhushan awardee.
The 45-year-old adventurer shared the motion poster on Twitter where Grylls is seen posing along with Rajinikanth on the bonnet of a jeep in the woods while they both smile looking at the camera.
While sharing the motion poster, Grylls tweeted, “Preparing for @Rajinikanth’s blockbuster TV debut with an Into The Wild with Bear Grylls motion poster! I have worked with many stars around the world but this one for me was special. Love India. #ThalaivaOnDiscovery.”