TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan”s mother Mala Tiwari hilariously trolled him for not sharing a Mother”s Day post on social media. Kartik took to Instagram, where he shared a video that has him being scolded by his mother.
He has now shared a video where his mother can be heard complaining about him not sharing a Mother”s Day post for her. In the clip, Kartik seems busy with some work when his mother admonishes him, sayong that while celebrities have been sharing selfies with their moms, he hasn”t posted any photo with her.
Kartik replied in Hindi: “I get lakhs for each post, will you pay?” To which, his mother funnily replies: “I will give you ”one laat (kick)”. The aunt from Bhopal has called twice. Now quickly post a selfie with me.” The video has gone viral, and currently has over a whopping 2.4 million views on the photo-sharing website.