TIL Desk Sports/ Impressed by teammate Hardik Pandya”s fly push ups, India captain Virat Kohli on Thursday posted a video on social media doing the same exercise. “Hey @hardikpandya7 loved your fly push ups. Here”s adding a little clap to it,” Kohli said in a tweet with a video where he is seen doing fly pushups.
India all-rounder Hardik had recently posted a video on Twitter, doing fly pushups at his gym. “Stronger. Fitter. Still under construction @krunalpandya24, I challenge you bhai! Let”s see how many you can do,” Hardik said in the post. Elder brother and India all-rounder Krunal took up his challenge and did the same.
The drill caught fitness freak Kohli”s eye and the ace batsman did not miss out. Recently, Australia limited-overs skipper Aaron Finch heaped praise on Kohli and stated the India captain has handled the pressure well that comes along with a job as high-profile as that of leading the Men in Blue across the three formats.