TIL Desk Bollywood/ A day after director-producer Sanjay Leela Bhansali recorded his statement at Bandra Police Station in connection with Sushant Singh Rajput’s suicide case, Abhishek Trimukhe, DCP (Zone IX), Mumbai Police said that Bhansali was planning to take the actor in four of his films.
“Sanjay Leela Bhansali was planning to take Sushant in four of his films. But due to unavailabilty of dates the films had other actors,” Trimukhe said. He further informed that police has taken in custody CCTV recordings of building where Sushant was staying. “No CCTVs installed in Sushant’s house. Forensic reports are awaited,” he stated.
“Mumbai Police is investigating into all important details about this case. Mumbai Police is awaiting response from Nodal of Twitter, about the alleged tweets circulated on social media from SSR handle,” Trimukhe added.