TIL Desk Bollywood/ In another heartwarming gesture, actor Sonu Sood on Sunday provided a tractor to a farmer in Andhra Pradesh within hours after he learnt that the farmer was using his daughters for ploughing as he couldn’t afford to rent bulls.
As a video of the farmer’s daughters ploughing the field by working like bulls with yoke on their shoulders went viral over social media, Sonu Sood promised Sunday morning that the family will get a tractor by evening.
True to his promise, the actor ensured that the tractor reached the farmer’s family in Mahalrajuvari Palle village in Chittoor district.
He had tweeted on Saturday night that by Sunday morning the farmer will have a pair of oxen. “By tomorrow morning he will have a pair of oxen to plough the fields. Let the girls focus on their education,” he had tweeted.
However, in the morning he tweeted: “This family doesn’t deserve a pair of ox.. They deserve a tractor. So sending you one. By evening a tractor will be ploughing your fields. Stay blessed”.