TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Hitting back at Rahul Gandhi for his latest remarks on the Ladakh face-off, the BJP Monday said he was again insulting the bravery of 20 soldiers who sacrificed their lives in Galwan Valley, and alleged his family ceded thousands of kilometres of land to China.
With his repeated utterances on the India-China face-off, Rahul Gandhi is trying to present falsehood as truth, BJP spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao said. Rahul Gandhi on Monday said he is not going to lie about Chinese transgressions in eastern Ladakh even if it costs him politically.
In his response, Rao told a press conference at the BJP headquarters here that Gandhi has again insulted the sacrifices of 20 soldiers in Ladakh with his statements. “Rahul Gandhi has not learnt from his mistakes. He had insulted our soldiers at the time of the surgical strike, the Balakot airstrike and now again he has insulted them,” Rao said.