TIL Desk Bollywood/ Model-turned-actress Rhea Chakraborty, who has been accused of abetting late actor Sushant Singh Rajput to suicide, is unlikely to appear before the Enforcement Directorate officials, her lawyers indicated here on Friday.
“Rhea Chakraborty has requested for a postponement of recording her statement till the Supreme Court hearing,” said her lawyers here. The Supreme Court is expected to hear next week Rhea’s plea seeking transfer of the Bihar Police probe to Mumbai Police.
Her name figures in FIRs lodged by both the Patna Police and the CBI. The investigation into the June 14 death of the 34-year-old actor has been handed over to the CBI and also the ECIR of the Enforcement Directorate, after much wrangling between the Mumbai Police and Sushant’s home state police.