TIL Desk/National/Lucknow/ Uttar Pradesh has been put on high alert, ahead of the Independence Day celebrations. Senior police officials in the rank of Additional Director General (ADG) and Inspector General (IG) will camp in sensitive districts and additional police force will be deployed in public places. The police spokesman said that the Uttar Pradesh-Nepal border has been sealed and vigil has been stepped in districts bordering Nepal.
Prashant Kumar, ADG (Law and order) said that all district police chiefs have been asked to increase patrolling and checking in sensitive areas under their jurisdiction. “Traffic restrictions would be implemented in the bordering Delhi and NCR from Thursday and will continue till August 15 midnight,” he added.
The district police chiefs have also been instructed by the DGP headquarters to conduct security drills and carry out checking at the bus stations, railway stations and district borders. The ADG further said that all district police chiefs and the two police commissioners have been directed to closely monitor social networking websites, especially after the Bengaluru incident. Senior officials have been directed to continue camping in districts around Ayodhya.