TIL Desk/National/Mumbai/ Sanjay Raut, the leader of Shiv Sena called the transfer of the actor’s death case to CBI “illegal.” The Shiv Sena leader also taunted by saying, “bring Mossad and KGB too.” Mr Raut, due to his controversial remarks have been sent a notice by actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s cousin.
The transfer of Sushant Singh Rajput’s case to CBI was not supported by Shiv Sena, who had asserted that the probe in the case was Mumbai police’s job.
Talking to reporters, Mr Raut said, “The incident (Sushant Rajput’s death) took place in Mumbai. The FIR was filed in Patna and the Bihar government recommended a CBI probe. The centre immediately agreed. This is illegal. The case is now technically with the CBI.”
“Bring Mossad and KGB too. There is nothing to hide. We are not opposing the CBI. When the Mumbai Police is already on the job, what will the CBI do?” Mr Raut added.