TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday asked people to share their inputs and ideas for the 68th edition of his monthly radio programme ‘Mann ki Baat’. The programme which is held on the last Sunday of every month will take place on August 30 this month.
The prime minister asked people to share their inputs by writing on the NaMo or MyGov App or by recording their messages by calling 1800-11-7800. The phone lines for receiving inputs have been open from August 10.
‘What do you think should be discussed during this month’s #MannKiBaat, which will take place on the 30th? Record your message by dialling 1800-11-7800. You can also write on the NaMo App or MyGov. Looking forward to your ideas and inputs,’ the PM tweeted.
Speaking at the 67th edition of ‘Mann Ki Baat’, which coincided with the 21st anniversary of ‘Kargil Vijay Diwas’, Prime Minister Modi had criticised Pakistan and said it undertook the misadventure with sinister plans to capture India’s land and to divert its ongoing internal conflicts.