TIL Desk Bollywood/ His sob story starts again, actress Kangana Ranaut remarked, while reacting to the latest development by actor Hrithik Roshan. She has asked the Bollywood superstar to move on from their little affair. Reacting to the news of the transfer of Hrithik Roshan’s FIR against her from Cyber Cell to the Crime Intelligence Unit, Kangana used Twitter to ask Hrithik to “move on”.
“His sob story starts again, so many years since our break up and his divorce but he refuses to move on, refuses to date any woman, just when I gather courage to find some hope in my personal life he starts the same drama again, @iHrithik kab tak royega ek chote se affair keliye (Till when will you cry over a little affair)?” she wrote.
On Monday, it was reported that the Mumbai Police has transferred a complaint of stalking and impersonation lodged four years ago by Hrithik to the Crime Branch.In the complaint against an unknown person, Hrithik had said the accused was allegedly speaking with Kangana on his behalf from an email ID.