TIL Desk Hollywood/ Actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas has announced her own haircare line called Anomaly. The actress, who manages her time between Bollywood and Hollywood projects, made the announcement on Friday on Instagram, with a picture of a Beauty Inc magazine cover.
“This is ANOMALY. What a surreal moment to introduce you to the first brand I have ever created!!! For the last 18 months I have worked alongside my partners at Maesa toward the day when we could share our labour of love with the world, and I can’t believe that time has finally arrived.
I’ve tried a lot and learned a lot about haircare over the years…what gave me great hair days, what didn’t, and everything in between…and I have infused that into a collection of products that gives your hair the TLC it deserves. Our formulas are vegan and clean, with high performance ingredients, and our bottles are made from a 100% plastic trash from our oceans and landfills,” she wrote as caption with the image.