
Taliban warns Turkey of consequences for securing Kabul airport

Taliban warns Turkey of consequences for securing Kabul airport

TIL Desk/World/Afghanistan/ The Taliban warned Turkey on Tuesday against plans to keep some troops in Afghanistan to run and guard Kabul’s main airport after the withdrawal of foreign soldiers, calling the strategy “reprehensible” and warning of “consequences”.

Ankara, which has offered to run and guard the airport in the capital after NATO withdraws, has been in talks with the United States on financial, political and logistical support. Turkey has repeated that the airport must stay open to preserve diplomatic missions in Afghanistan, where a blast rocked Kabul on Tuesday and clashes have intensified across the country.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan condemns this reprehensible decision,” the Taliban said in a statement, referring to Turkey’s plan. “If Turkish officials fail to reconsider their decision and continue the occupation of our country, the Islamic Emirate…will take a stand against them.”

In that case, the militant group added, the respons­ib­ility for consequences would fall on the shoulders of those who interfere. The Taliban, who ruled Afghanistan with an iron fist from 1996 to 2001, have been fighting for 20 years to topple the Western-backed government in Kabul and reimpose Islamic rule.

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