
Laser focus on Afghanistan, says Biden, warns Taliban not to hinder US forces

Laser focus on Afghanistan, says Biden, warns Taliban not to hinder US forces

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ The United States is going to retain a laser focus on its counterterrorism mission in Afghanistan, President Joe Biden said on Friday, and warned the Taliban of a forceful response to any attack on American forces or disruption of its operations at the Kabul airport.

”We made clear to the Taliban that any attack, any attack on our forces or disruption of our operations at the airport will be met with a swift and forceful response,” Biden told reporters at a White House news conference. “We’re also keeping a close watch on any potential terrorist threat at or around the airport, including from the ISIS affiliates in Afghanistan,” he said.

“I’ve said all along, we’re going to retain a laser focus on our counter terrorism mission, working in close coordination with our allies and our partners and all those who have an interest in ensuring stability in the region,” Biden said. He said Secretary of State Tony Blinken and other administration officials met NATO allies Friday morning on the way forward so that Afghanistan cannot be used as a base to launch terror attack on the US and its allies.

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