TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said that abundant data availability and technology in the modern era will help science. Virtually addressing the 108th Indian Science Congress, which opened at Nagpur, Modi said: “India’s scientific community will ensure a deserving place for our country.
”He further said that the field of data analysis is moving forward at a meteoric pace which is of great help in converting information into insight and analysis into actionable knowledge. “Be it traditional knowledge or modern technology, each one plays a crucial role in scientific discovery,” the Prime Minister remarked. He also emphasised the need to strengthen the scientific processes by applying various techniques.
Emphasising on the contribution of women in science, the Prime Minister said that increasing participation of women is proof that women and science are both progressing in the nation. “Our thinking is not just that we should empower women via science but also empowering science by the contribution of women,” he said and highlighted the need to help reach the efforts of science from global to grassroots.