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Trump warns NATO allies to hike military expenditure

Trump warns NATO allies to hike military expenditure

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ United States President Donald Trump has written to several allies to increase its defence expenditure as NATO partners while threatening to reduce the US military’s presence in Europe if they fail to do so. Trump wrote letters to allies including Norway, Germany, Belgium, and Canada. The letters were in line with Trump’s NATO criticisms, especially those aimed at the defence expenditure of US’ allies.

In the letter to Norwegian Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, Trump wrote, “Norway is the ‘eyes and ears’ of the northern flank” of NATO yet “remains the only NATO Ally sharing a border with Russia that lacks a credible plan to spend 2 percent of its domestic product on defence.”

However, a statement from Norway’s Defense Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen defended the country’s military commitments. “Our investment share is currently at 27 percent, well above the NATO target. This has allowed for investments in important capabilities, such as the F-35 combat aircraft, P-8 maritime surveillance aircraft, and submarines in order to increase Allied and Norwegian security,” read the statement.

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