Journalist Visa: China warned India of “serious consequences”

Journalist Visa: China warned India of “serious consequences

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi-A state-run daily of China has warned India of “serious consequences” over the refusal to extend visas to three Chinese journalists. “Speculation is swirling that India is taking revenge against China for the latter’s opposition to India joining the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). If New Delhi is really taking revenge due to the NSG membership issue, there will be serious consequences,” the editorial in the leading newspaper said.

Three Chinese journalists based in India representing the state-run news agency were denied permission for extended stay in the country.”No official reason was given for the rejection of the visa renewals. Some Indian media claimed that the three journalists are suspected of impersonating other people to access several restricted departments in Delhi and Mumbai with fake names. There were also reports attributing it to the journalists’ meeting with exiled Tibetan activists,”.

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