
Biden faced ‘unfair criticism’over Afghanistan withdrawal, says Imran Khan

Biden faced 'unfair criticism'over Afghanistan withdrawal, says Imran Khan

TIL Desk/World/Islamabad/ Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has said he believed US President Joe Biden was targeted with “unfair criticism” over troops withdrawal from Afghanistan and termed his decision as “the most sensible thing to do”, according to a media report.

In an interview, Khan said he wasn’t sure whether the US had any coherent policy on what they were going to do in the war-ravaged country. Referring to the US pulling out troops from Afghanistan and commending the American president for his decision, he said, “There was so much unfair criticism of President Biden, and what he did was the most sensible thing to do.”

The prime minister also called upon the US to devise a strategy if a humanitarian crisis broke out triggered by a feared halt in international help to Afghanistan. “There will be far-reaching consequences in terms of the refugee problem, which Pakistan and Iran will feel more as they have taken more number of refugees,” he cautioned. Khan stressed that the US has a big role to play as it was there in Afghanistan for 20 years.

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