State, Uttar Pradesh

Apollomedics Hospital Saves A 24 Week Old Fetus With Amino Patch And Amino Infusion

Apollomedics Hospital Saves A 24 Week Old Fetus With Amino Patch And Amino Infusion

TIL Desk Lucknow/ Apollomedics Superspeciality Hospital has continuously been saving lives with ultra-modern technology since its inception. The experts at Apollomedics have performed many complex surgeries, which weren’t possible at other hospitals. Some of these surgeries may be considered medical miracles too. In one such case, the medical team at Apollomedics Superspeciality Hospital saved a 24-week-old fetus. The patient had had two miscarriages in the past and this pregamcy was quite important for her. The patient’s amniotic membrane was damaged at around 24 weeks due to which the amniotic fluid leaked out and it had become very difficult to save the fetus. To save the fetus, Specialist of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine of Apollomedics Hospital, Dr.Bhumika Bansal, used the amnio patch technique. This was the first time this technique was used in any private hospital of the state. Through this technique, the pregnancy stretched for 3 to 4 weeks. After which the child was delivered at about 29 weeks. With the efforts of Dr. Anubhav of the Department of Neonatology, the child was discharged safely.

Dr Bhumika Bansal said, “The 24 week pregnant woman came to Apollomedics with her amniotic membrane damaged and all the fluid drained out. Since she had had two miscarriages before, it was very important to save this child. Amniotic fluid is a pale yellow colored fluid that protects the developing fetus in the womb and also helps it move easily along with helping the child’s lungs, hands and feet to develop properly. If for some reason the fluid membrane bursts, then the lack of amniotic fluid restricts the growth of lungs, and the hands, feet and mouth of the child start to shrink. In this situation, even if the pregnancy is extended for some time, then due to the increased pressure on the lungs of the newborn, he may have lung diseases for life. The biggest challenge in this case was how to prolong the pregnancy and how to restore the fluid for the complete and safe development of the fetus.”

“To save the child, the technique of amino patch and amino infusion was used wherein, fluid is injected into the amniotic membrane, but due to damage to the membrane, the fluid does not stop in it. So, We adopted a research base technique where platelet rich plasma and cryoprecipitate were also injected, which seals the hole in the membrane and then fluid is poured from above, stopping the fluid from leaking for a few days. The case was quite complicated due to which an ultrasound guided needle was inserted into pockets of 2-3 millimeters to insert platelet rich plasma.” she added.

Dr Anubhav said, “Prematurely born newborns face many problems. However, since this pregnancy was extended to 3 to 4 weeks the child had less complications. When the child was born, his lungs were substantially expanded and there was no shrinkage of any kind in his hands, feet and mouth because there was no shortage of water around the baby even after leakage of amniotic fluid. After birth he was kept on a ventilator for only a week. He was given medicines to strengthen the lungs. At our center, the survival rate for children weighing less than one kilo or one and a half kilograms, is up to 90%. And in this case the pregnancy was 29 weeks, in such a case it is 60 to 70 percent.”

CEO and MD, Apollomedics Super Specialty Hospital, Dr.Mayank Somani said, There are very few centers across the country where the facility of Fetal Medicine is available and where such a high risk pregnancy can be delivered safely. Apollomedics Superspeciality Hospital is a one stop center for high risk pregnancy care and we have a world class NICU. Many premature pregnancies are referred to us from all over the state, which we have been handling quite successfully.”

“Apollo Hospital Group is the largest healthcare group in the country which has been providing excellent medical services to the people of the country and abroad for the last 3 decades. Apollomedics Hospital Lucknow is providing all the superspecialty services under one roof to the people of the state and around. Kidney Transplant, Liver Transplant, Brain Stroke Management, complete treatment of all types of cancer as well as world class ICU and 24×7 Emergency & Trauma facilities are in Lucknow. People had to move to big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, for such facilities, but not anymore. Recently, Apollomedics Lucknow also started organ transplant surgery by living donor and dead donor (brain dead) method.”

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