TIL Desk Bollywood/ Rana Daggubati, who started his acting career with the 2010 Telugu film Leader, says it is a great time to be a part of the film industry right now. “Seven years ago when I started as a film actor, I did my first film in Telugu, second in Hindi and then did a cameo in a Tamil film. “I was hoping that at some point of my life there will be cinema that will break these barriers,” Rana “The Rise of Sivagami”, a prequel to the blockbuster “Baahubali”, here on Friday.
Then filmmaker S.S. Rajamouli’s magnum opus Baahubali came to him. He played King Bhallaladeva in the film, which released across the world in different languages like Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi, and minted over Rs 600 crore worldwide.
“I am sure there will be many more films that will continue to break these barriers. It’s a great time to be in movies right now,” he said.
“It (King Bhallaladeva) is one of the finest characters ever written. In seven years of my film career, I was part of ‘Baahubali’ for five years so, most of what I know is through this film,” he said.
His co-star Ramya Krishnan was also all praise for her strong character in the film, whose second part will hit the screens in April.