
Fiji urges Trump to honour Paris climate deal

Fiji urges Trump to honour Paris climate deal

TIL Desk/World/Suva/Fiji pleaded with US President Donald Trump not to abandon the Paris climate deal today, as the tiny Pacific nation prepares to lead the latest UN talks on reducing global emissions. Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama said the world needed America’s leadership “as we confront the greatest challenge of our age”.

Climate sceptic Trump should honour his country’s commitments under the Paris deal, said Bainimarama, who will serve as president of the UN’s COP 23 talks in Bonn later this year. “We can’t have one of our best performers abandon the field of play… stay the course,” the Pacific leader said in a statement issued by his office today.

“Listen to those around you who are encouraging you to do so. Don’t let the whole team down by leaving when we have a clear game plan and have put so many scores on the board.” Bainimarama said the time for questioning the veracity of climate change had passed and the best scientific advice on the issue was clear. “Man-made climate change is not a hoax, it is frighteningly real,” he said.

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