TIL Desk Bollywood/ A day after Twitter suspended singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya’s account after he posted a string of “offensive” tweets, especially against women, another singer, Sonu Nigam, posted a barrage of 24 tweets to say he is quitting Twitter.
Last month, Nigam had raised questions on the Azaan call in the morning and said it is “forced religiousness”. “God bless everyone. I’m not a Muslim and I have to be woken up by the Azaan in the morning. When will this forced religiousness end in India,” Nigam tweeted.
Today, Nigam said he was quitting the medium in protest of what he perceived to be a media-fed bias against people who are ‘nationalists’. He said he wanted to declutter his ‘pious’ mind.
Here’s the long and short of his tweets: Hello Press, Twitteratis, Tweeples and Tweetios, get ready to take screen shots of my following messages for they won’t remain here 4 long. “I bid adieu to Twitter and my close to 7 Million followers today, leaving most Disappointed and angry at me, and some Sadists Happy.