TIL Desk Bollywood/ The awards night at the LIFFT India Filmotsav 2017 had filmmaker Leena Yadav’s Parched and Mangesh Joshi’s Lathe Joshi take home three awards, while Mango Dreams bagged two awards.
The evening began here on Wednesday, with the melodious musician Vidya Shah enthralling a houseful of enthusiasts which included, veteran actress Tanuja, director Avinash Das, journalist Nandita Puri, veteran filmmaker Govind Nihalani, actress Mita Vasishth, former director of National School of Drama and veteran actor Ram Gopal Bajaj, among others with film lovers who had come down to Lonavala to witness the LIFFT India Filmotsav 2017 awards night.
Musician Leslie Lewis rocked the night with some of his personal numbers which are yet to see the daylight but were exclusively played at the extravaganza which ended on Tuesday. Before the winners were announced, late actor Om Puri was remembered. The festival honoured Narayan for his work in Fine Arts.
Parched won three trophies — Best Cinematography which was won by Russell Carpenter, Best Ensemble Cast and Best Costume which went to Ashima Belapurkar.