TIL Desk Sports/ Wrestler Parveen Rana has accused two-time Olympic medallist Sushil Kumar of “personally instigating” his supporters to manhandle him after the Commonwealth Games selection trials a few days ago.”As soon as the bout ended Sushil Kumar told his supporters ‘yeh raha isko dekhle’ (here he is show him) and then walked into a room. He personally inistigated them,” Rana said.
An unprecedented brawl between the supporters of both the camps took place as soon as the trials concluded. Rana’s elder brother was injured in the scuffle.”He was hit by a chair on his head. We have taken him for a MRI scan,” Rana said. Asked about the bout Rana alleged it was Sushil’s strategy to claim he had been bitten in order to take rest during the bout.
“I did not bite Sushil. There is a move in wrestling called ‘Kheme Dav’. In that move the opponent’s wrist slides pass the mouth. Sushil was trying to rub his wrist again and again on my mouth,” Rana said at the sidelines of a Pro Wrestling League (PWL) event.