
Kshatriya women threaten ‘Jauhar’ if ‘Padmaavat’ release not stopped

Kshatriya women threaten 'Jauhar' if 'Padmaavat' release not stopped

TIL Desk Bollywood/ In a new twist to the ongoing controversy over release of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s movie Padmaavat, female members of Kshatriya community in Chittorgarh has threatened to perform “jauhar” (self-immolation) if the screening of the film is not stopped by the government.

In a Sarvasamaj meeting held in Chittaurgarh, the members decided to stage a phase-wise protest against the proposed release of film. The meeting was attended by around 500 people, out of which 100 females belonged to high-profile families of the city.

The spokesperson of Rajput Karni Sena Virendra Singh said on January 17, national highways and railway tracks across Chittorgarh would be blocked.

The film, already cleared by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) after five modifications and renamed from Padmavati to Padmavat and now titled Padmaavat, is scheduled to release on January 25 across India. The Rajasthan government has, however, decided against releasing it in the state.

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