TIL Desk Sports/ India off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin, on Monday, described Virat Kohli as a captain with a fierce winning mentality and said that his positive body language always rubbed on the other players. Talking to reporters after Tamil Nadu’s opening match against Gujarat in the Vijay Hazare Trophy, Ashwin went on to say that Kohli is now on-par with the some of the greatest captains in the game.
“He (Kohli) is someone who will go for a win come what may. He does not have a negative bone in his body, he always talks about a win, never about saving situations, we’re always moving ahead. It is good because the players know what is required from them. It gives an amazing amount of intensity to the team,” Ashwin told reporters after the Group ‘C’ match.
“This is his first series overseas as a full-time captain. I am sure all the best captains in the past too have a set of home games. He (Kohli) is already on par with most of the greatest captains that have played the game. It is best that we give credit to him,” he said.