TIL Desk/National/Mysuru/ PM Narendra Modi has launch a blistering attack on Congress president Gandhi during an election rally in Mysuru. Mocking Rahul’s challenge of a ’15 minute debate’, Modi said, “I challenge you (Rahul) to speak for 15 minutes on the achievements of your government in Karnataka without reading from any piece of paper. You can speak in Hindi, English or your mother tongue.”
Modi also questioned the previous Congress government for the promise of complete electrification of all Indian villages. “Before questioning us, Rahul Gandhi should know that in 2005 Manmohan Singh had said that all villages will be electrified by 2009, and the same thing was said by Sonia Gandhi and you (Rahul ) mock the labourers and workers who made this (electrification) possible,” Modi said.
“In 2005, during the time of Sonia Gandhi’s government, Dr. Manmohan Singh had said he will provide electricity to every village by 2009. What happened to that? In any case, we saw how Congress treated Dr. Manmohan Singh. They tore off ordinances and disrespected him,” he added.
The PM further said, “The Congress is led by leaders who have no respect for India’s history. I was shocked that they even went to the level of disrespecting Vande Mataram.”