TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ Shares of Vedanta fell 6 per cent today on reports that nine people were killed in police firing after protests against the closure of Vedanta group’s Sterlite Copper plant turned violent in Tamil Nadu’s Tuticorin.
After opening the day on a weak note, the stock further lost 5.80 per cent to Rs 253.85 on BSE. On NSE, shares of the company dropped 6 per cent to Rs 253.75.
Eleven people were killed in police firing after protests against the closure of Vedanta group’s Sterlite Copper plant over pollution concerns turned violent in Tuticorin, with the police action drawing opposition criticism.
The protests have been going on in Tuticorin for over three months now, but violence erupted yesterday with agitators fighting pitched battles with police, prompting an open fire.