TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood actor John Abraham, whose upcoming film “Satyamev Jayate” is releasing on August 15 along with Akshay Kumar’s “Gold”, says the date clash is not a problem. During the trailer launch of “Satyamev Jayate” here on Thursday, John was asked if a release date clash can create a problem for the business of his film, and to his relations with Akshay.
John said: “Akshay is a friend. I wish him best. I think two films can release on the same day and survive. There are enough screens for both the films.” “Satyamev Jayate” director Milap Zaveri added: “I wish ‘Gold’ all the best and how many ever films are coming on that day… May all the films do great business at the box office; and be appreciated by people.”
Both the movies exude a patriotic fervour, in sync with the Independence Day mood. Since the last few films of both the actors are in the patriotic space, asked if there is a competition of sorts between Akshay and him, John said: “I choose films depending on the kind of scripts I like. When I made ‘Parmanu – The Story of Pokhran’, I liked the story, and so I enjoyed the process of making it.