TIL Desk Bollywood/ Sanjay Dutt’s life was documented on the silver screen in his biopic, ‘Sanju’ and the film extensively portrays the strong bond shared by Sanjay and his friend Paresh Ghelani. ‘Sanju’ brought to fore, an unknown chapter from Sanjay Dutt’s life. It introduced Ghelani as Kamli, portrayed by Vicky Kaushal.
The Rajkumar Hirani-directed film portrayed Ghelani as one of the most significant characters in Sanjay Dutt’s life, who helped him overcome his drug addiction. He stood by the actor when his mother Nargis Dutt died battling cancer (as shown in the film).
Taking to Instagram, the 59-year-old actor welcomed Paresh to social media and thanked him for being his ‘pillar of strength’. He wrote, “you are the pillar of my strength. Thank you for being there, then and now. Welcome to the world of social media buddy! Love you lots.” Recently, Paresh had also written fondly about his friendship with Dutt and was all praise for the film ‘Sanju’.
He wrote, “After watching the film ‘Sanju’ I was numb, numb with limitless emotions. I wanted to just hug him, hold on to him and cry. Cry endlessly to the years we had lost, to the years we stood by and witnessed this roller coaster called life and the irrevocable loss of loved ones.