TIL Desk Bollywood/ Gearing up for her debut in “Dhadak”, Janhvi Kapoor says she does not feel the weight of expectations as Sridevi’s daughter and hopes to earn the same amount of love from the audience like the veteran actor received. Her foray in films comes a few months after Sridevi’s death this February. The actor, who stars opposite Ishaan Khatter in the Hindi adaptation of Marathi blockbuster “Sairat”, says she is aware of the late actor’s legacy and wishes to honour it.
“I’m aware of it (the legacy) but I don’t think there’s a fear. I feel like mom has earned and got so much love, gratitude and adulation from people. There’s a lot of gratitude I feel towards that, which even she felt. I want to make them happy. I want to earn the same kind of love.
“I know I’ve to work for it, I want to. I feel there’s a responsibility towards them (audience). I want to make them happy. They’ve given my mom so much, my mom has given them so much, I want to earn it. I will, hopefully,” Janhvi told in an interview. The actor says Sridevi never interfered in her acting process and wanted her to experience things on her own.