TIL Desk Bollywood/ As romance heats up between Priaynka Chopra and singer Nick Jonas, the Indian star says she believes in the institution of marriage and will surely tie the knot at some point in her life. The actor said getting married does not make a woman ” smaller or bigger feminist”. “I love the idea of getting married. I totally want to get married at some point,” Chopra told.
“And I don’t think marriage makes you smaller or bigger or more feminist or not. Feminism basically is women saying give us our own choices without judging us. That’s all it is. It’s not about berating someone. It’s not about proving a point. I totally would love to get married,” she added.
The 35-year-old actor and the American singer sparked dating rumours after they were spotted spending the memorial day weekend together. Jonas also flew down to India with Chopra and met her family during his week long stay. The rumoured couple also posed happily for the paparazzi in Mumbai. Chopra said a sweet romantic gesture is makes her happy.