TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood actors Parineeti Chopra and Arjun Kapoor will be the muses for Shantanu-Nikhil’s Autumn-Winter 2018 showcase titled “Independence” here on Saturday night. The designers say that the collection derives its inspiration from the vintage aspects of India but transcends all the shackles of the past and represents virtues of futuristic cultures and societies.
Asked about why Parineeti and Arjun were chosen, Shantanu told over e-mail: “As a brand, Shantanu & Nikhil is based on Indian values and believes firmly in egalitarian affirmations. Both Arjun and Parineeti have established themselves very well as Indian cinema ambassadors. Moreover, Arjun is not only a dear friend but has also represented the true virtues of being the Shantanu & Nikhil Man through his chivalrous, disciplined and ultra-dynamic demeanour.”
Nikhil said: “Parineeti, on the other hand, resonates the qualities of a modern Indian woman who is fearless, rooted to her Indian values and eclectic in her way of experimentation yet being true to herself. Both Parineeti and Arjun have been perfect in communicating the true virtues of Independence very appropriately.”