TIL Desk Sports/ India skipper Virat Kohli, on Friday, said his players don’t feel threatened because of his chop-and-change policy and called it ‘quite a bizarre thought to have’, taking a dig at those questioning the trend.
Kohli has made 37 changes in 37 Tests as captain and that trend looks set to continue when India meet England in a must-win third Test, in London, on Saturday. “I don’t think anyone is thinking like that. These are just things that are created on the outside and people like to make a lot of nothing. For us the priority is to win games of cricket.
We are not thinking whether someone’s career is on the line or what’s going to happen to their future,” Kohli said. World number one India trail the five-match series 0-2. “We need to focus on this Test and not think about whether someone’s career is on the line. It’s quite bizarre thought to have,” Kohli told at the pre-match press conference.