TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Abhishek Bachchan, who plays a Sikh in “Manmarziyaan”, says his paternal grandmother the late Teji Bachchan, who belonged to the community, would have been happy to see him portray this role. When Abhishek’s first look was unveiled, his megastar father Amitabh Bachchan had shared the picture on social media and expressed his pride.
Abhishek told here: “Yes, dad shared the picture of my turbaned look and he said that he felt proud. My Dadima (grandmother) was Sikh, so there is an emotional attachment to the whole thing. Though the first time when I wore the turban to get my look done for the shooting, I was more focused on my performance. But later when I saw the footage, I felt special.
“I think my Dadima would have been happy to see my as sardar on-screen.” The actor became nostalgic as he spoke of his grandmother. “Dadima used to tell me and my sister some wonderful bedtime stories. She used to put us to sleep with those stories… We had so many lovely memories with Dadima,” said the actor, whose elder sister Shweta has recently turned designer.