TIL Desk Bollywood/ Amid much anticipation, Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar starrer ‘2.0’ hit the big screens on Thursday. Fan of Thalaiva have a reason to rejoice as they can now watch the magnum opus at a theatre near them.
Fans, this time around too, have gone an extra mile to express their love for their icon. It almost seemed like a mini Diwali celebration outside the movie theaters in Chennai, with people busting crackers, dancing to the dhol beats and feeding sweets to each other.
“Look at the atmosphere, I mean do I have to say more? That’s a great fever, there is a great excitement and entertainment,” said a fan.
Holding their tickets as a prized possession, fans eagerly waited outside the movie theaters for first-day first show. “His character is a secondary thing. First, he is Thalaiva. And it’s mandatory to go for Thalaiva’s first day first show be it any movie,” said a female fan.