TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Yami Gautam turned a year older on Wednesday. She says some great work is coming her way, so she wants to focus on reinventing herself next year. The “Kaabil” actress will be busy with two shoots. Later in the evening, she will spend time with close friends here.
“The year 2018 has been very kind. Some really interesting work came my way…the things that I hadn’t done before. As I turn a year older and definitely wiser, I hope 2019 will be more exciting,” Yami said in a statement.
“I love the fact that my birthday comes at the end of each year. I love to look back and be grateful of the year gone by and make my plans ahead of what each new year will have in store for me.
Some great work is coming along and things which I haven’t done before, so I think my focus for next year will be reinventing myself,” she added. The “Vicky Donor” actress featured in “Batti Gul Meter Chalu” this year.