TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Rakul Preet says she hasn’t made a name for herself in Bollywood, and still has a long way to go. Rakul made her acting debut in 2009 with Kannada film “Gilli”. She ventured into Bollywood in 2014 with “Yaariyan” and was later seen in “Aiyaary” in 2018.
“I don’t think I have yet made a name for myself in Bollywood. I don’t think I have done anything. In fact, I always keep saying that the fact that ‘I am an actor’ has not sunk in my head. I have been in this industry, in films for five to six years now,” Rakul told.
She added: “Having done so many films even in the south, I mean I take my job seriously, but I don’t take the fact that I am an actor seriously.” The 28-year-old actress loves her job, and wants to continue doing it with the same passion.