
Glad Happy Bhag Jayegi came my way: Diana Penty

Glad Happy Bhag Jayegi Came My Way: Diana Penty

TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Diana Penty, who was seen on the silver screen in Happy Bhag Jayegi after a gap of four years, says she has no regrets of taking a sabbatical in her career. After her modelling stint, Diana ventured into tinsel town with Cocktail in 2012. But she maintained her distance from the big screen after her the blockbuster debut.

“Somehow I never felt like there was a dull moment… I actually have no regrets and very happy that I waited this long. I am very glad that Happy Bhag Jayegi came my way,” Diana said. The 30-year-old says she was never idle during the four years as she kept herself busy.

“I managed to keep myself busy with my hobbies, doing things I liked, travelling. I was working as well… Along side all of these things, I also actively met people and used to read stuff hoping to find my next film,” she added.

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