TIL Desk/National/Varanasi/ Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the membership drive of the ruling BJP from his Lok Sabha constituency of Varanasi on Saturday, noting that it will further connect people from all walks of life with the saffron party. Addressing a gathering on the occasion, the prime minister also talked about the Union budget 2019-20 and his thoughts on India’s growth trajectory in the coming years.
“From the soil of Kashi, I greet each dedicated worker of the party. Today, I got an opportunity to launch the BJP’s membership campaign from Kashi,” he said, pointing out that it will strengthen the saffron party. The launch of the membership drive coincided with the 118th birth anniversary of the party’s founder, Syama Prasad Mookerjee.
Referring to the provisions in the Union budget, Modi said a “new India” was on the threshold of racing ahead. “It is important to know about the $5 trillion economy because some people were casting doubts over the competency of Indians, saying that achieving the target is very difficult,” he added. The prime minister slammed the critics, saying, “These people are professional pessimists.”