TIL Desk Bollywood/ Superstar Shah Rukh Khan surprised actors Aahana Kumra and Viineet Kumar Singh by visiting them on the sets of Netflix”s “Betaal”. Aahana took to Twitter and shared a selfie of herself along with Shah Rukh, whom she described as the “most charming man”.
She captioned it: “Greatest joys in life come to you when you least expect them. A surprise visit by our producer (ahem) yes producer sahab Shah Rukh Khan, King Khan on the sets of ”Betaal”. The most charming man.”
who has starred in films like “Gold”, “Mukkabaaz” and
“UGLY”, too shared a picture of himself with SRK on Twitter. He said
he had a fan moment with the “Don” star. “Sir surprised us by
visiting ”Betaal” set. Observing him is like reading a book. So much to learn
from him! Honestly it”s fan moment for me again and I loved it again! Thank
you,” he wrote.