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India scuttles ‘hub of terror’ Pak’s attempt to raise Kashmir at UNGA

India scuttles 'hub of terror' Pak's attempt to raise Kashmir at UNGA

TIL Desk/World/United Nations/Calling it “the hub of terrorism”, India has dismissed Pakistan’s attempts to raise the Kashmir issue in the UN General Assembly after it had failed to get a hearing in the Security Council.

Pakistan was attempting “to misuse this forum to spread baseless and deceitful narratives about my country”, Indian diplomat Sandeep Kumar Bayyapu said on Thursday at the General Assembly debate on the Security Council’s annual report. “Such attempts have not succeeded earlier and will not succeed now,” he said.

A First Secretary in India’s UN Mission, Bayyapu said: “The truth is that the delegation represents a geographical space that is now widely known as the hub of terrorism that has jeopardized innocent lives in our region and beyond.” 

He declined to go into a point-by-point rebuttal of the statement made earlier by Pakistan’s Permanent Representative Maleeha Lodhi, saying: “We do not wish to dignify such baseless diatribes with a response.”

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