TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Vaani Kapoor says her “Befikre” co-star Ranveer Singh and “Shuddh Desi Romance” co-star Sushant Singh Rajput really have good bodies. The actress made the confession when she appeared on the VOOT show, “Work It Up”.
When host Sophie Choudry asked her to choose between Ranveer and Sushant, Vaani said: “Oh God! Ye comparison.” “I think both of them must be putting in equal amount of hard work and I feel both have really good bodies,” she added.
the segment “Getting Light with Electrolyte”, Sophie picked up a chit
for Vaani which read: “I won”t shop for a year if I find my true
love”. “You”re a shopaholic and I know it. So, if you find true
love, you will not shop for one year,” Sophie asked.