TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Anushka Sharma took to Instagram to make a statement with her plaid jumpsuit look with formal twist, leaving actors Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor gushing about her fashionable outing. The actress on Saturday posted a series of photographs of her look for an event in Mumbai.
She picked a blue and white Gucci checkered jumpsuit, combining it with a matching blazer. She added drama to her look with a white shirt and black tie, and completed the look with a bling of ear-shaped gold ear cuff. In make-up department, the actress opted for minimal make-up with dewy base, flushed cheeks and mascara. She kept her hair loose.
“Suited and booted,” she captioned one image, and wrote “can”t hear the haters” with a close-up shot, where she is seen wearing the statement gold ear cuff. “Just casually fixing my hair,” she posted with one image. The actress won several compliments for her look.