TIL Desk/Business/Mumbai/ Shares of Reliance Industries (RIL) on Tuesday gained nearly 2 per cent, with its market valuation hitting the Rs 9 lakh crore mark once again, after the company posted a record quarterly net profit of Rs 11,262 crore.
The scrip jumped 1.57 per cent to Rs 1,437.65 — its record high — on the BSE. On the NSE, it rose 1.44 per cent to Rs 1,436.85. With this, the market capitalisation (m-cap) of the company reached Rs 9,00,000.39 crore.
The country’s most valuable company on Friday posted a record quarterly net profit of Rs 11,262 crore as a steady rise in the share of its consumer businesses of retail and telecom countered lower earnings from traditional petrochemical and refining segment.