TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has slammed the BJP for being a ”corrupt political party” and said his government turned out to be the only non-corrupt government in the history of politics. “No other party has ever received so much appreciation from the people in the last 70 years.
We have changed our campaigning pattern, we stopped giving speeches this time. We are mute spectators, and the audience is telling us about the work we have done,” Kejriwal said as he addressed a gathering of volunteers in Rohini district. He said the entire Delhi is his family now. “Whatever we have done is out of our love for the people.
I belong to a middle-class family, and I understand the pain of a common man. I felt the pain of the family who would suffer because their child needs medical attention.”And so, we came up with Mohalla clinics. I felt the pain of the family whose child did not receive a quality education from the government schools,” he said.