TIL Desk Bollywood/ “Nai Jaana” fame singer Neha Bhasin has acccused music composer Anu Malik of predatory behaviour, and called him an “ugly pervert”. Neha took to social media on Wednesday and posted a series of tweets, calling out Anu for making her uncomfortable several times.
“We do live in a very sexist world. Anu Malik is a predator, I too have run away from his strange moves when I was 21. I didn”t let myself get into a sticky situation beyond him lying on a sofa in front of me talking about my eyes in a studio,” she tweeted.
fleed lying my mum is waiting below. He even messaged and called me after that
to which I stopped responding. The point is I went to give him my cd and hope
for a chance at a song. He was older and shouldnt have behaved the way he did.
Anu Malik is an ugly pervert,” added Neha.