TIL Desk/National/Jaipur/ Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said on Friday that the Kota infants’ death toll has been the lowest as compared to the last five-six years. At least four more infants have died in the first two days of January at the JK Lon hospital in Kota, taking the death toll to 104, officials said on Wednesday.
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot spoke with Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan and informed him about the situation in the Kota hospital where 104 infants have died. The Congress-led government has been facing backlash over the infants’ deaths over the alleged unhygienic conditions at the district hospital. Ashok Gehlot alleged that some persons have been indulging in mischief regarding the situation at the Kota hospital.
Ashok Gehlot said, “Some people are, intentionally or unknowingly, indulging in mischief regarding the situation in Kota. I spoke with the union health minister today and informed him that in 5 to 6 years, the lowest figures are coming now, that is how wonderful the arrangements have been.” “But why even one kid should die, why even one mother dies?” Ashok Gehlot said.