TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Pooja Bedi”s daughter Alaya F, who makes her Bollywood debut in “Jawaani Jaaneman”, likes to take decisions on her own. “I like to do stuff myself, be it taking any decision or anything else, I generally take my own call.
I believe in ”sabki suno lekin apni karo” (listen to everyone but take your own call). It does not mean that I don”t take the advice my mother or my grandfather (Kabir Bedi) give me about films. I do discuss things with them, but at the end of the day it would be my decision. I am quite critical about myself,” Alaya told.
And the young artiste likes being “pressurised” too. “I am a fan of pressure. It feels good when I get exhausted after working. Work has become my passion now. I enjoy being pressurised in terms of work,” she added.